1. Determine what you have that you don't want 2. Determine what you want that you don't have 3. Determine where you really want to build your life 4. Write your first series of how can I questions down based on the last three steps 5. Develop a financial plan, many call it a budget but I mean more than that 6. Make a list of everything you already have and are greatful to have. EVerything you love about your life, etc. 7. Do a deep analysis as to what concerns you, what you influene and what you control 8. Turn off the fucking news for a week, just a week 9. Review your how can I questions, grill yourself about how you are going to get them done, add to them as well. 10. Take one more step, any single step based on any answer to one of your how can I questions. Do something, anything, today, now. 11. Accept the fact that you deserve exactly what you want, and that you simply have not done the work yet. 12. Find people who have what you want and examine what they did to get it. Gonna bet very few won the lottery. 13. Work your lists today, do this every day, keep making updates, don't stop until you have what you want.